Is it the divorce or parenting?


I believe my 16 yo daughter needs to see a therapist. Recently divorced, we split we she was 13. She never really processed the divorce. She keeps everything inside. Very stoic, says she is fine. But on the inside I know she isn't. She makes terrible food choices (uses food for comfort) she has a lot of sadness and anger re; her father. She lives with me, except every other weekend with her dad. Her 20 yo brother lives with us as well. When home, she spends most of her time in her bedroom. She procrastinates with school work, goes to bed way too late, because she isn't done with homework, after spending too much time on phone and computer. She says she needs her /phone/computer for homework.
She puts so much pressure on herself to be all things to all people. She won't ask for help with ANYTHING!!! She won't even let me talk to her. I don't know what to do.
Thank you

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