16 year old Arguments


My 16 yo daughter will not talk to me when I approach her about an observation I have, a concern re: missed homework or grades. She shuts down immediately, says she doesn't want to talk about this now, cries, it's almost like a tantrum. We go around and around for 10 minutes, while I keep asking her to be quiet and let me finish what I am trying to say. This usually ends in me yelling in complete frustration and not having the conversation I wanted to have with her. I am divorced mother (split up 3 years ago). She only goes to her dads every other weekend and if I enforce some sort of punishment or consequence for her, she says she is going to live with her father (which is an option, albeit not a great one).
How do I get her to shut her mouth and listen to me when I approach her to discuss something with her that she has no interest in hearing? I try to pick the right moment to talk with her, i.e not first thing in the morning, when she is doing home work, etc.
thank you

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