2 yo Demanding Attention


HI there, I asked a question about my rather naughty toddler about a week ago and you have asked me where do I want to start - so I decided to write back. I followed your advice and started on training him to hold my hands when we go out. I'm happy to say he is now holding my hands without a fuss when I request that he does so!

Now I would like to work on him constantly asking for attention when I am home with him alone. And never ever sitting/standing still for anything including getting dressed, eating or reading a book with me (its like he has worms on his backside or something). He will not really play on his own and seems bored and this is when he will get into all sorts things. He will usually also get into things when I am with the sister and he's not interested in joining but he wants my/our attention for himself. He will not sit and look at books for long, he does not like colouring, he will not play in the garden, he plays with toys for a very short amount of time, and the rest of the time he hangs around me asking me a over and over questions that I have already answered about a 50 times and if he's not talking incessantly, he's just doing nothing! What is a reasonable expectation at this age group anyway with regards to keeping themselves busy and not constantly badgering mummy for attention, whining and the like? And, he watches very little TV.

Do you recommend working up to a schedule of 30 mins of colouring, 30 mins mummy time, 30 mins reading, etc etc at this age? (Having said that, I can't always have a strict activity routine especially when I have both children with me - seems to get too complicated with my chores to do as well. It is especially challenging when the weather is rainy for weeks on end. He does not get enough outdoors time to be honest but I can't always take out a chunk of time to take him to the playground/library - at least not every day.

Any advice from you would be very helpful.

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