Conflict With Friends


I like to stay out of my kids conflicts with their friends, but I'd like some insight on whether there is some helpful coaching I can offer them on healthy conflict resolution when they come to me because they are feeling hurt by others. For example, my 7 year old daughter's friend next door, who I know and love well, is an only child who is used to getting her own way and is very bossy. I have noticed this frequently when she is over... always wanting to be in charge and ordering my daughter around and announcing that since she is the guest she should have such and such a privilege. I don't step in, I'm just a quiet observer. But I'd like to give my daughter some advice on how to handle these situations, I just don't know what that advice should be. It's a little ironic since I'm well-trained in conflict resolution with adults and peace-maker ministry. But when it comes to kids, I've noticed that they just don't seem to be wired the same way as adults, lol.

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