22 Month Old Bath Time Terrors


My 22 month old son LOVED bath time from the time he could sit up. He also loves swimming and this last week had his first trip to the beach, where he showed absolutely no fear of the ocean and would actually run into the waves (with mommy and daddy holding his hand). About a month ago, he started having meltdowns during bath time. He seems absolutely terrified, bawling and standing up the entire time. We have always given him luke warm baths, and he normally would want us to drain and run it one more time on occasion. I'm not sure if he is actually fearful of the tub or has caught on to bath time leading to bed time, but to me he seems legitimately terrified. He goes to sleep after milk and a book with no issues, so not sure that it's the "almost-bedtime" aspect of it. I've tried giving him morning or afternoon baths before play time, but with similar results. He reacts the same with me attempting to shower with him. Should I try taking a bath with him until his fear subsides? Our tub is pretty small, but whatever helps him to get back to enjoying this activity. Thank you!

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