5 yo, 2 yo Bedtime Blues


Hi there,
I have recently moved both kids into the same bedroom - 5 year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. I put them down at 7:30pm. The problem is, he talks and talks, laughs and chats until after 9pm when she is there (she may or may not participate), but certainly finds it hard to fall asleep with a noisy brother.

In the morning, she is the early bird and gets up between 6:30-7am..I have told her to come out quietly and close the door. He likes sleeping in till 7:30-8am. However now, he usually wakes when she does, making him a very grumpy, sleep- deprived bear. He also sometimes wakes up earlier than she does, and cries or shouts loudly and wakes everyone up. This has only started happening since they shared a room.

In a nutshell, they are making each other very sleep-deprived, and I am seeing some significant behavioural effects from both children. Do you have any advice or should I just tough it out and let them adjust (hopefully with more sleep eventually!!)? And how should I handle disobedience, whining, lying, tantrums in the meantime?

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