Feelings Hurt Among Three Friends


We're having a little "drama" between three 11 year old (5th grade) boys. All three boys are the youngest of four siblings in their families.

Two of the boys are cousins, one is a mutual friend of both cousins. They attend church and school together. (my son is one of the cousins FYI--and his history with the mutual friend goes back a couple years further than his cousin's friendship with the friend does.)

I thought only girls dealt with stuff like this, and as a mother of 4 sons, this is kinda "new territory" for me. (FYI-the friend is the youngest of four boys too)

Feelings are getting hurt because often times it's easier for two to "hang out" than three. My sister in law & brother in law have asked to meet with us to discuss what's going on. Their son's (my nephew) feelings have been hurt at times--feeling a little third wheel-ish about the friend group. I've spoken to my son, and nothing has been intentional, in fact my son (who is far less sensitive than his cousin) expressed that he's felt the same way when he discovers his cousin has invited the friend over for a Sunday afternoon and my son was not included. But he deals with the momentary disappointment and shrugs it off. Life goes on.

Honestly--between the boys, I don't think anything is a "major deal" but my sister/brother in-law disagree and I fear it may become a "bigger deal" that it needs to be once we start discussing it. (brother in law is an only child. He's kinda sensitive at times & very protective of his children)

What is the best way to navigate this kind of thing? Certainly not micromanaging our soon to be Jr. high boys social lives, etc.... I'd appreciate any advice to help keep things normal/calm and "no big deal".

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