My 46 month old daughter has recently developed a nighttime habit that I can't break. At bedtime, the routine is always the same, but for the past several weeks things have changed. First, she attempts to procrastinate the bedtime routine (pj's, brush teeth) and then works furiously to keep us in her room after story time. After we do leave her room, she will call one or both of us from her room. She won't come out of her room, but calls us from her bed for some perceived need she has, or to ask a question, or to tell us she doesn't want to sleep in her bed or be alone. If I answer, it repeats several more times with other questions or needs. If I don't answer, she continues to call my name and starts getting scared. If I tell her it's past her bedtime, that I am not addressing her need and to go to sleep she will cry uncontrollably until I go in her room (I'll wait 5-10 minutes). This can go on for an hour each night. I'm losing patience and sleep. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.