7 yo Homework Help?


Hello. My wife and I are going to start ticket tomorrow. We have 3.5 yr old boy girl twins and a 7 year old going into 2nd grade.

My 7yo does a lot of whining when doing homework. He currently sees a tutor once in a while during the summer. She gives him some math homework to do during the week. We also noticed a lot of whining and defiance during homework time in first grade. He wiggles in his chair, is distracted by everything and generally makes it very difficult time.

We don't plan to have homework specifically a part of the ticket program right now because there are bigger issues to deal with like not listening to us (it takes telling all of them 5-10 times for them to do anything) and hurting each other etc. We also don't want homework to be a punishment. We want him to learn to take the lead on homework but we don't know where to start or how to get there. He is a very strong willed kid when compared to the twins. Almost everything is difficult with him. I believe tickets will help and hopefully trickle down to helping homework too?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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