Thanks, Carrie, for answering. We had just recently restored the things to his room. He leads a very isolated life due to his behaviors and that is difficult. We recently sent him off to find work to pay rent because he refuses to do school work. He got a couple of jobs but promptly spent the money. He found a position as a volunteer at a heavy equipment store. Unfortunately, after he rolled a UTV while riding on the highway, and several other poor decisions, we discontinued the work, that is what lead to the meltdown, threats of suicide, and threats to kill us for taking away his fun. Husband is quite the invalid with rheumatoid arthritis and two very recent knee surgeries. But the other children have zero tolerance for hitting mom. So his older brother restrained him while I cleaned out his room, including dresser, shelves, and bed frame. Again. We will continue with the same, hoping for him to begin making better choices. You said, "no physical contact". Does that include hugs from me? We plan to send him to public school this Fall, though we homeschool all of the others. He works on school work for about six weeks, then completely quits. Law says he must be educated. Think that is a good idea? Thanks again.