18 year old Home for the Summer


This is a follow-up to a question regarding my 18 year old daughter. She has finished her first year of college. It has been a good year for her, but she still seems to be very distant in her relationship with us. I was able to have a real good discussion about life with her about a month ago. However, most of the time she seems to have a dislike for me and a disrespect for my wife. I have tried to bite my tongue and pray for her. However, my wife is quite outspoken at times and it always ends up with hurtful things said by both of them. She has not told us her plans for the summer, but her sister said that she plans to come home for the summer. I am very concerned that it will be a stressful time. She does not like the restrictions that she has at the Bible college which are very similar to our standards. Throughout the year, she would use the opportunity to come home to not follow those rules. These are mainly regarding dress codes, etc. - not that big of a deal in some ways. However, I feel very dishonored by her flaunting her "superior concepts of what God requires". What should we do if she shows up next week? Should we discuss these issues with her before the summer or wait and address situations as they arise? Should we ignore her disregard for our standards and just pray for her? Should we worry about what message that sends to the younger siblings? Please help!

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