Parenting 5 kids


Hello I am a mother of five beautiful children. Their ages are 15, 6, 4, 2, 9 months. I just finished reading your book The well behaved child and have started implementing your tickets system to the best of my ability with the 4 and 6 year old. For my two year old I am going to get your book for toddlers and for my teen your other book. My question is more circumstantial. I am homeschool our five children while traveling back and forth between home and travel trailer living with my husband. Sometimes we are home and sometimes we are on the road. I am having a brain fog as to what would be the best punishment in regards to what to take away or where to place the child. The kids sleep in the main area of the trailer when we are on the road so I can't send them to their rooms. I have pretty much figured I can use the bathroom or toilet closet for tantrums, conference room, etc... but that is the only bathroom, so yeah. I am just wondering if you have any sort of recommendations or thoughts as far as the travel trailer living goes with this program. We have a pretty strict schedule because when Daddy gets home it is bed time. So I feed kids at 6:30 and get them ready for bed. He gets home about 8 and then we have family Bible time and then it is off to bed. Obviously it would be rather difficult to send them to bed early but I could always send them to our bed for the remainder of the day? Also I was wondering in your book were you saying they could do a 15 minute time out instead of losing a ticket or was that with losing a ticket? Sorry this is new to me and I have some big offenders right now. The 6 year old likes to hit and chews on EVERYTHING! The 4 year old as meltdowns and weird episodes when he gets in trouble like itching, or calling himself silly names. The 2 year old screams louder than an opera singer. Seriously I don't know how we still have windows. I may cry. Please help! Between house work, homeschooling and trying to go do outing to keep these kids entertained I am stretched thin. Not to mention the new baby and possible another! Thank you for your help, one worn out Momma

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