Teenage Defiance


OK, it seems things have come "full circle" again with my 15/16 year old. I had another significant problem/conflict with him about his smart phone and he refused to put it away for the night when I told him too. When I confronted him about his defiance and changes I am contemplating making with the amount of time he can have with his phone he got angry and was verbally profane and abusive towards me, which "punched" my buttons. I am at a crossroads with him again since he also became agressive towards me and was threatening to hit me if I touched him again, he said (I was tempted to, "knock his head off" but constrained myself, as I should). He spewed many other things about why he hates Christians (as I am), doesn't care if he goes to hell with his friends, etc. He was out of control obviously. Again, his mom owns the phone and will not cooperate with me in curtailing the use of it. I still want things to work out with my son living with me and believe it is best for him and I don't know where he will end up if I have him leave my apartment. However if he refuses to be under my authority and respect me as his dad properly then I do not believe it will work out. Suggestions again at this point?

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