10 yo Threatening to Hurt Self


My 10 year old son is gifted, plays piano concertos with local orchestras, reads a lot, loves math, enjoys soccer and is very loving to his siblings and parents.
Once in a while, like with every child, he misbehaves and gets in trouble.
When he does, and only when he gets in trouble, he threatens to hurt himself. Sometimes he hits himself in the head, sometimes he pinches his arms, sometimes he mentions that he should just cut himself. He seems to be a very sensitive soul- but, I don't know if I should be harsh on him for saying things like this, or if I should be more loving. He never hurt himself other than hitting his forehead or pinching his arms- just threatens about the more serious stuff. Should I be concerned about this behavior? Is is attention seeking? Is it a way for him to get sympathy since he just got in trouble?

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