Loud noise - Autism?


I posted earlier today about my 3 and 1/2-year-old son being evaluated regarding speech and tantrums. He also has these tantrums/crying when he is being exposed to loud noises like today during the worship service music. This has happened before with loud music on other occasions. He later told me that the music was too loud (only daddy was with him in the service-I was in nursery). Should we be concerned about an autism spectrum disorder like asperger's syndrome? Maybe I am being overly concerned, but I just wonder if it is normal, a quirk or something that could do with his hearing/speech. It may just even be because it is out of his routine or that he wasn't going to his class to play with the toys. He did go through a stage in the past of not even wanting to go in church -not sure if that was separation anxiety thing or fear of loud music. Thanks.

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