Picky Eater Question


Time for another question, I wrote recently about one of my eleven adopted children. Now another. She is six years old (the youngest) and decided she does not eat certain things (she used to eat everything with no question). I, of course, went to my library of Rosemond books and this site and started her on a teaspoon of everything and any seconds when that was done. She now eats the teaspoon but never wants seconds, only a piece of fruit. We offer free fruit and most of the children eat around three fruits each day. She asks for a piece of fruit after her teaspoon of food. Now, we know fruit is good, but even that can be to excess. Let her eat her teaspoon and then a piece of fruit, and one later, and one later up until the next meal, or insist on her having seconds on something before another piece of fruit? Or do you have something better for me? She is a generally happy, healthy, active child. We don't do tv or movies or video games, we homeschool, so she gets plenty of activity. I am just concerned about the potential overload on fruit and lack of most other nutrients as they come from a time of nutritional hardship.

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