
My 11 year old daughter has recently been in trouble for swearing at a teacher, saying “f*** you” because she was embarrassed after her own disobedience to requests to be quiet resulted in a more snarky reaction from the teacher; “nobody asked you”. I do not fault the teacher at all by the way. She immediately apologized but seemingly because she didn’t want him to tell her parents. Her attitude in general has been much more front and center lately and has been noticed by almost all who are around her.

About a week and a half later we received a message from a coach telling us that she told a boy on her team who was eating a bag of chips for getting a perfect score that he was “fat as f***” and didn’t need chips. A “joke” because he says it about himself all the time. We’ve discussed how inappropriate it all is and we do not swear at home at all. We’ve tried several things but need a better plan at this point.

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