My child is 31 months old. I stay home/ used to teach and I also have an 11 month old baby. Two days a week my sisters almost 2 years old and my sister 3 and a half year Old stay with me during the day. So my 31 month old June is around them all the time. We live close they all play together daily. We also attend church on Sunday's so my daughter gets interaction with other kids then too. But other then that she’s always home with me. We don’t do any mothers mornings out or play-school at this point. I’m saying all this so you can get a good understanding of what our daily life looks like. I absolutely love my child being home with me and I’m in no hurry to send her to play-school but I don’t want her to miss out if it would be good for her. My question is should I send her to play school this year at age 3 then pre-k at age 4 or wait and start play-school at age 4 then pre-k at 5. I would only be sending her 2 days a week. She’s a July baby so she’ll be one of the younger kids.