Hi, we’re potty training our 22 month old using “Naked and $75” and we’re having issues with poop. My daughter refuses to sit on the potty when she has to poop. She starts pooping and then says “I poopy.” I tell her “you’re pooping, go sit on the potty.” If she doesn’t move, I carry her to the potty. Tell her to sit on the potty. She stiffens her whole body and screams “No!” Or she will say “I poopy” before she goes, I tell her “Go sit on the potty.” She says “no” and then poops herself. I tell her “you’re pooping, go sit on the potty.” If she doesn’t move, I carry her to the potty. Tell her to sit on the potty. She stiffens her whole body and screams “No!”
Afterward, I tell her “you had an accident, let’s get you cleaned up. Remember poop goes on the potty. You’ll do better next time.”
It seems like she’s “scared” of sitting and pooping on the potty. What can we do to help her sit and poop on the potty?