
I will be sending your books to my daughters on their wedding day. If we hadn’t raptured yet and still have enough ink supply to have your books in print.

Teen proofing didn’t address responsible use of devices. Gave phone to daughter to attend high school. Daughter addicted. Suspended phone.

I gave daughters lots of free time. But once they have access to computer, spent it exclusively on meaningless YouTube video.

My principal: do not use technology for entertainment (Philippians 4:8) daughters always disagree with me on what is noble and good. past 3 years their appetite for shallow entertainment grew. Ate up all the free time I deliberately set up for them.

Right now I kept a very tight fist on device usage especially one is already addicted. But 3 years later, they will leave home and attend college.

Ps: I will reach out to Mike.

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