Attention seeking years.


My three-year-old son has issues with being "ignored." I've already asked a question regarding his behavior around his grandparents (whom we live with), but I'd like some clarification regarding two scenarios:
1) I am a housewife and have many things to occupy my time throughout the day (including my second infant son). I try to schedule little moments throughout the day to interact with my 3-year-old (today, for example, we read a few books, then later made some juice. Some days I try harder to have more of these moments, some days I struggle). During my youngest son's naps, I try to utilize this time for "hands-free" tasks. And half the time, he is fine with entertaining himself. On the other hand, if I have not interacted with him for a period of time, he starts "attention starvation behavior:" Yesterday, I was responding to emails on my computer, and he started climbing all over me. I told him to stop several times. I told him to go play in his room. He refused. Am I expecting too much? If not, how can I respond appropriately to this behavior?
2) When my husband and I are talking, the "attention starvation" is particularly bad. My husband and I get frustrated at the interruptions, and can't help but respond to our son most of the time as he interrupts. How would be the best way to handle the interruptions? A million thanks!

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