I started potty training my 21 month old son a week ago. For a few months he was indicating that he had just or was in the process of peeing or pooping (in his diaper), every single time throughout the day. We were traveling a lot so I put off potty training until things were stable but we've had the potty out for some time so he could see it. I successfully trained my older two kids in under a week, and both were his age or even a tad younger in the case of my oldest.
It's been a week and there is no progress and I'm just not sure what to change to see some results. From day 1 I used the bell system because he is a very stubborn kid and I knew we would need it. I would sit him down and walk away and he'd just get back up and if I kept putting him back on he'd start screaming and physically resisting. The doctor tactic doesn't work; he doesn't care. I have also tried the gate but he just pees on the floor anyway. So that is basically what happens, he pees on the floor whenever and wherever the urge strikes him. He's not bothered that he's wet or sitting or standing in a puddle and just ends up playing in it.
He's a very intelligent kid but it just seems like he either doesn't get where he's supposed to go, he hasn't made the connection, or he's flat out choosing not to.
I'm getting closer to giving up and trying at a later time even though I know the resistance only gets worse with older kids. Please help!