Half Accidents


We started potty training my son at 23 months. He is now 26 and has been "mostly" trained for at least a couple of months. We still have a couple of issues.

He sometimes has accidents at preschool (he only goes 2 half-days a week). I send him in underwear and have given them the okay to change him to pullups if he has 2 accidents. Usually he will have 0-1, and he tells them when he needs to go potty. Most accidents happen when they don't get him to the potty quickly enough.

More frustrating is that he has a few accidents a week at home. He will NOT tell me when he needs to go. I take him to the potty at logical times (after breakfast, before leaving home, etc.) and if I manage it all day, he usually will have no accidents. But if I leave him to his own devices, he will never say anything until he's had a small accident already. Then he will tell me he has already peed. I'll take him to the potty, he will pee more so I can tell he stopped himself.

It seems like the response to every question is just wait, be consistent and he'll get it. Same answer here?

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