A couple of week ago I asked your help with our daughter (1.5y) who was waking up once or twice a night. I nursed her back to sleep but was feeling exhausted after 1.5y of broken nights. One of the coaches advised not to nurse her anymore and offer her some water instead (the glass of water she refused by the way). The good news is, I no longer nurse her back to sleep and usually she sleeps through the night. The advise was sooooo helpful!
But now, since two weeks, she starts waking up at 4.30am and cries until 6am when we eventually take her out of bed. She is grumpy (though she has a big breakfast right away), we are grumpy and it is not fun :( Are we missing something here or could we be doing something different? At night she goes to bed early (6pm, 6:30pm at the latest); we tried keeping her up later but to no avail...
She is now sleeping downstairs, and we in the living room as she wakes up everyone by the continuous crying...
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.