We are at the end of day three on toilet training our 19 month old. I know it is early in the process, but I feel like he is already regressing. He doesnt even want to go near the potty now. He doesn't tell me when he pees or poops. It doesn't really seem to bother him when he pees or poops in his underwear. I need some guidance on how to move forward. If I catch him in the act or just after, do you sit him on the potty? When I do that he cries saying "no,no,no!" If he won't go sit on the potty at all or even go near it when I say "it is time to potty; go sit on your potty," do I sit him on the potty or tell him and then don't worry about if he sits on it or not? Tonight my husband told him "it's time to potty, go sit on your potty." He walked to the door, looked at my husband and pooped and peed on the hallway floor. Any advise you can give to stop the regression would be great.