2 Year Old Crib to Bed Transition


My two year old recently transitioned from crib to bed. The freedom seems to be more than he can handle and he has taken to destroying the bedroom he shares with his 3 year old brother. Of course we've childproofed the room but there are clothes in drawers and some books on the shelf, mainly for the older brother. Typically in the mornings I would make both boys help me pick up the mess before breakfast but I'm now focusing on just the one boy since he is the perpetrator/ instigator( I can see it on the monitor and we did not have this problem with the older one).

Since I've singled him out though for correction and sent the other boy down for breakfast without helping the behavior has gotten even worse and he's more mad. He refuses to clean up at all and the day goes downhill right from the beginning with him. He will only clean up if his brother is helping and I stay in the room with them. Left alone with instructions he refuses. I do not show any frustration but simply let him know he made the mess and now he needs to pick it up or he will spend the day in his room except meals. He then proceeds to have fits, fiddle around in the room and look for other items to pull apart. We've stripped the room to bare bones but this is making things difficult. Should I be doing something else or is there a way to get some quicker action on his part?

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