11 yr old depression/self harm


Today our son (11, homeschooled) was nowhere to be found after a church luncheon. He was outside hiding behind the garage. When spotted he ran off the property, and he was chased by his dad and two men in our church. He ran a few blocks until an assistant pastor tackled him. Two men he respects and knows love him bawled him out. And the friends who were still there were so wonderful and supportive. We are going to meet with our pastor on Tuesday.

We had just finished a week of grounding on Friday and told him he is now grounded until Junior boys church camp (three weeks). We can't figure out where this is coming from. Of course his own sinful nature and heart of foolishness.

He feels terrible about​ himself (nit from us) and wants to be punished, he says. So, he's not very affected by consequences. We can't figure out what motivates him. I am afraid of what he will do in a foolish emotional moment, so I've hidden all the knives. I don't understand. We have a loving Christian home with healthy boundaries. Our marriage is good. And my husband is involved and is leading us.

He says he doesn't want to be a Christian because it means suffering. We have had health issues and our pastor preached several weeks on suffering, mentioning the martyrs (Baptist Church). He says he wishes he'd never been born or that he wants to kill himself. We are trying to be involved without giving too much credence to the drama. We need help! This is all so heartbreaking and scary.

Please pray for us!!

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