Rambunctious Toddler Woes


Hi there,
I am having multiple problems with my 27 month old boy, which I cannot seem to solve. He is very active and is constantly on the move. He whines and throws tantrums when he does not get his way (yes I know, typical behaviour for this age) but when I confine him for whining and tantrums, he escalates and screams for an hour or more. I am honestly worried about him damaging his voice box - I know quite a few toddlers who have screamed until their voices are permanently hoarse. Doesn't seem to be getting the message across.

Another issue is going out - he is usually in a stroller. He runs away from me otherwise, or if I insist he held my hand, he will throw a fit and lie on the floor (but won't follow me if I leave). I usually pick him up and pop him back in the pram but that triggers a mighty tantrum, which I then take him home/to the car. I have been doing this consistently but to no avail?!

At home, he is getting into all sorts of things and putting everything in his mouth for a taste. We childproof as much as possible but we have no way of predicting what he will do next! A few things include: Jumping off the sofa, putting out clothes from the wardrobe (3-door sliding wardrobe which I dont know how to child proof), or dipping things in the toilet, switching on/off lights, tasting the shampoos, bitting erasers and toys etc. He also won't leave me alone when I am doing my chores and follows me around. And throws a mighty tantrum when I make him play somewhere else.

One more issue - he refuses to drink from a cup. he would rather go without water/milk. We have just let him use the bottle for milk and water as he could go days without drinking much water, and then he would get constipated, lips would crack and bleed... He also has weight gain issues hence he needs the milk.

Where do I start getting this boy under control? I have read the books and all - but my head is spinning from this hell-on-wheels toddler.

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