Sticky Situation


My significant other of 13 years is still "loaning" money to his 28 yo college graduate son with a $30K+ job who still lives with his Mother. The son texts or calls him almost weekly to put $ into his accts. with excuses " to get me to the next paycheck", "These student loans are killing me(he had 4 years of his college totally paid for by his parents"... His father is 62 years old and we are trying to prepare for retirement. It is a source of conflict to the point where my SO will not discuss it with me. My children are 29 and 31, never returned home after college and have never asked for any support from anyone. I know the son borrows $ from anyone who will give it to him and continues to go out to bars and pretty much do anything a person with $ does. When I try to discuss the situation with my SO it turns into "You hate my kids and around we go. I do not understand why he does not want his son to become independant like all our other kids including his 22yo daughter. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.

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