
Hi John I have a question in regards to your last article "Moodiness Is Merely a Bad Emotional Habit". This sounds like you have described our First daughter, she is turning 5 next week. If I understood correctly, you recommend to start implementing more sleep into their schedule? It is something we have been doing to her - She goes to sleep at 6:30 pm and is up by 5:30 am. Well not always, at times she wakes up at night and gets restless and wants to chat on what is on her mind. Which is trusting from our end since we need the sleep at night. And we believe that her moodiness and emotional dramatic way of being is related to her lack of sleep at times. In the past she used to take naps but would wake up being more moody! (This was about 2 years ago). Anyhow; she is very energetic and we try to keep her as busy as we can. The jealousy she has towards her younger sibling (aged 1.4) makes it a bit more challenging at times. In regards to getting to sleep throughout the night we have utilized giving her Melatonin, Chamomile tea and homeopathic which can help at times. She does sleep in her own bed; but in our room. Since she is too scared to sleep by herself in her room. Any further recommendations would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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