It's ok if I loose a ticket!


My daughter, who turned three in March, seems to think she’s an equal party in our family (I.e a 3rd adult to my husband and I). She uses our words against us, talks back, tells us “no”. I’ve put the “ticket” system in place and after a few (long) days spent in her room for loosing all her tickets things seem to be getting better. She now starts her day with 4 tickets and manages to keep them, however, she uses the rules of the system in her favor. For example, she knows she gets 4 tickets so if I ask her to do something she’ll say “I’m going to tell you no and loose a ticket but I still have more left so it’s ok”. Do I ignore these comments (which I’ve been) and continue on with the ticket system in which she’ll loose the ticket when she indeed tells me nonor should I switch over to the chart where she looses privileges not only imaginary “tickets”. I know the chart is to be used with children over 4 but thinking maybe in her case she could handle it? Thank you in advance!

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