15 month doing what 15 months do


My son (almost 15 months) is having anger issues. If I (or some other adult in his life) set him down in the play area so we can go get things done, he often will get very angry. He will roar with rage. I enjoy holding him and playing with him but at some point I have to set him down so that I can clean the house, do laundry, cook, etc. He usually plays well by himself or with his sister but often he cries very angrily for a few minutes after being set down before going to play. He also roars when I walk by without picking him up or if I put him in his bed for a nap. Basically anything against his will he will do his mad cry (roar of rage) over. Also sometimes he will do a demanding squawk if his upset or wants his way or wants to get our attention. This squawk can really get on my nerves, especially if I’ve had a long hard day. We have tried to work on both of these things and are trying to raise him to be a sweet boy but we are struggling. Do you have suggestions?

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