4 YO...Shyness?


Would you please give me some insight in to this latest odd behavior coming from my four year old daughter. Lately, she will exhibit this odd assortment of behaviors in front of people (strangers as well as people she knows). She will be interacting and then, get "shy"?, and then "disturbed"?, and then shriek and turn away from the person (hiding behind me or her father if we are around), and then more often than not start crying.
When she gets to the crying point, then she will say, " i want to go home". What in the heck is going on here?

We have had the conversation about 1)manners - how we treat our friends, 2)difference between strangers and how you interact with them when you are alone - which she never is- and when she is with her parents, 3)we have sent her to her room.

She is a smart little girl and totally knows what she is doing.
She actually sometimes does this at school during "circle time" (a montessori school). The teacher explained the behavior. When I asked her what the recommended consequence would be she said they don't believe in consequences in montessori - but said something about redirecting behavior. hmmmm. Thank you!

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