16 Month Old ~ Entertaining Themselves


I am not sure what is developmentally appropriate behavior for a 16 month old. She is very demanding of attention and more or less wants entertained most of the time. However, she gravitates toward me for all of her stimulation, rather than her father, which leads him to believe that I've created her dependence. For example, he is able to leisurely sit on the couch while I am being led off to the stairs for a climbing game. So, my questions are as follows: Is it unreasonable to expect a 16 month old to spend much time entertaining themselves? Is it better to go along with her "demands" (for the most part I don't mind, but sometimes it's tiring or I have tasks that must get done) or turn her down and let her cry? And how can I get my husband to engage her a bit more? She gravitates toward me so he feels left out and I think he's just stopped trying.

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