Look Out Boss, Here Comes the Baby!


I have a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. My daughter is the typical first child who is bossy, little mama and directs her brother frequently on what to do, not to do etc. She’s a fantastic helper but also can push it too far frequently. Meanwhile my son, who’s 3, is a bit more sensitive (has a stuffy he clings to, wants cuddles) can 100% communicate all his needs, gets bossed around by his sister and then he whines and is a bit more defiant to me and her - long wailing and lots of no’s I don’t want etc. instead of talking he whines. I have tried to pull him aside and say you need self-control to talk, we have done “do overs” when he can’t recover. I also tell my 6-year-old to stop being so bossy - but it’s clearly not working. To add the cherry on the top - I am 36 weeks pregnant and have no idea what to expect the dynamics to change to. How do I help mend their relationship with less bossy and less whining and how can I prepare for what will happen when baby comes? Help!

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