
My son is 27 months. We’ve been potty training since 19 months. He’s struggling with still pooping his underwear a lot. He poops very frequently so it’s not uncommon for me to wash out 4-6 pairs of dirty underwear each day. He is living in just underwear and a shirt when we are home. He has frequent accidents (poop or pee) but I think the pee accidents are because he gets too busy playing. I have thought about having him wash out his dirty underwear but he would enjoy playing in the poop and toilet water too much since he loves gross things. I’ve thought about telling him he has to stay in the bathroom until he poops but since he poops multiple times throughout the morning I’m not sure how that would work. Also he would have too much fun messing with tooth brushes, flooding the bathroom while splashing in the sink, or playing with shampoo. He is very busy and mischievous. Is there a way to get him to do all his poop at one time instead of at multiple points throughout the morning?

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