14 yro in full blow rebellion


Our 14 yr daughter is completely out of control. We started seeing warning signs a couple years ago. She's been grounded in some form or fashion for at least 6 months of each of the last 2 years. She befriended an 18 yr girl on the cross-country team and started sneaking out last October. We believe we have that reined in; however, now our daughter has stolen her brothers car to sneak out. We believe its to see her 14 yr boyfriend. I've made the boyfriends parents aware but I'm not confident it will make a difference. In the past 2 months she has snuck out, cut herself, stolen every electronic she can get her hands on, and broken a screen out of a window of her grandparents house to get outside. We've put alarms on our house (which she dismantled), I've emptied her bedroom and left only the bed and essentials and removed the door so I can monitor it more closely. She will start a christian private school next month.
So my question is, what is our next step?

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