My daughter (3 yrs.) has become a picky eater. Before she would occasionally be picky but most of the time did pretty decent with what we gave her. But she has recently been a very picky eater. I give her what I think is the right amount of food for her age. She’ll eat a few bites and then say she’s done or she says she doesn’t like it before she has tried it. Today I told her she couldn’t have any food until she finished her eggs but she snuck some strawberries when I wasn’t in the room. I told her that she would have to go to bed as soon as we got home from church. She said she was hungry so I pulled the eggs back out. I told her all the eggs had to be eaten before she could have anything else. I went to her room to get things ready for bedtime. When I came back to check on her she was feeding her eggs to her brother (almost 2 yrs. who will eat anything) so that her bowl would be empty. I put the food away and put her to bed. What do you recommend?