Time to get their attention


Hi I wrote in 10 days ago and never heard back. We’re struggling with bedtime. We have 2 girls, ages 5 and 3. We moved them into the same bedroom about a month ago. We read another response to a similar issue and we’ve instituted the rule that when it’s bedtime the girls have to stay in their room. They don’t have to go to sleep but they have to stay in their room. Eventually they wear themselves out and go to bed. The problem is they won’t stay in their room. And we have to remind them 20-30 times or more per night. They think it’s a game. It’s fun to come out, mommy or daddy go upstairs and tell them “it’s bedtime stay in your room.” They giggle and run back to their room. Repeat 30 times or more. We have a safety gate for the upstairs so we have closed that to at least keep them upstairs, but they run in and out over and over. Do we continue to tell them repeatedly, 30 times a night, “stay in your room”? Anything else we should be doing? Thank you!

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