My child (2) has suddenly started testing all sorts of areas that I thought we had conquered. She started purposely peeing on the floor, throwing food out of the high chair, pulling her hair things out, tearing books, and being mean to her brother. I thought we were past all this. But the last few days have been very rough. Each day she makes a mess so big that I have to mop the whole kitchen. I try to focus on some work, turn around and she’s thrown food out of the high chair and is pulling things out of the cupboards. She knows she needs to tell me when she has to pee but she purposely has an accident and then tells me. I feel like she retesting boundaries and purposely doing what she knows is wrong. My nerves are shot. I’m exhausted. I feel like I’m disciplining each time I turn around. I clean up one mess and find another one. I feel like I spend all day just trying to keep things half way decent and don’t have time to do my college work or get ahead on another area of the house.