
Husband has had a cell phone for as long as we've been married (16 years). He will not admit to anyone at work he has a phone - he doesn't want calls in the middle of the night (nature of his job - now he has guys under him getting calls occasionally) along with some other excuses. We work for the same company - if I'm asked for his number I tell the person he doesn't have a phone. The idea of him not having a phone seems a little far fetched in today's world when everyone has a cell phone. I have a phone along with our two sons (13 & 15) but I still have gone along with his wishes. I told husband I don't like lying and there are other options - turn off phone when he is home, admit to having a phone but not give out number to work people. He suggested turning his phone back in (and getting another one but not giving me the number). He has not yet and its been a few weeks. His "empty threat" and lack of compromise is frustrating. How can I accept I have to keep lying?

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