12 Year Old Daughter Unmotivated to do School Work


My 12 year old daughter is not motivated to do school anymore. She is in 6th grade and has always been home-schooled. But now, she is just "dead in the water" and paddling no where. She just lays in bed and I try to wake up her at 7am but doesn't roll out of bed until 10am. Her younger brothers are bothered I know because "she has her own room and can do what she wants." I have tried using a spray bottle to "get her out" and locked her door to keep her out of her room. I have her held her social time hostage after church (going to her friend's house.) If she knows she can play her online horse game, then she will get school done or even chores. Everything I say which is meant to be kind, she huffs and puffs and yells, "You don't understand!" She did start her womanly change in January and I want to be understanding but I'm torn between being kind and understanding, and being a competent but stern parent. I've mentioned this to the ladies at Bible study and am just at a loss...it just seems she has the upper hand in everything and I can't see straight!! Help!!

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