You're in Charge Now


Okay so I’m ready to administer a discipline plan for my daughter. My questions are;

1. How much is too much? I’m ready to take a lot of her favorite things away. But, what about life outside of what has been taken away? Do we still do activities in weekend like skating when pond freezes over? Some drawing together etc, I assume we still do bonding activities with child correct? We don’t distance ourselves from them as well do we?

2. My daughter doesn’t necessarily play in her room, too much. But lot of her toys are in there. So, we could take all those away along with drawings she has done that she hangs on her wall.

3, how much is too much? I wouldn’t want to take away reading books at night with them or that type of thing, even though I think it would be impactful.

I’m thinking of taking room apart and doing a strike system for a month.

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