Stay the Course.


I used N75 with my first child and it was a snap. At 22 months she was without accidents within a few days.

My second child was 22 months before the holidays. With traveling etc. etc. we delayed and started 8 days ago, she is 24 months. We woke up one morning, said no more diapers, put toddler potties around the house and told her that is where teetee and poopy go from now on. From day one she has said "No" to using the potty. Even as the teetee is dripping down her legs and with a direct instruction to sit on the potty.
"Sit on the potty," I say.
"No, I don't want to," she says.
She has even asked for her diapers back.
We have had zero successes. I admit to feeling frustrated and breaking the cool, calm, and collected method on occasion. For example, as the teetee is streaming down her legs I've tried to physically place her on the potty. Only to receive a "NOOOO!!"
I have tried the bell. When it goes off, she says "No." If she does sit, it is only for the briefest of moments. Instantly popping back up.
I have tried the gate. She screams the whole time and pees on the floor.

After 8 days. I have commitments that I need to keep that require taking her with me. How am I supposed to do that without putting her back in diapers?!

I am discouraged from our complete lack of progress. Help!

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