
My son turns 3 next week. He has always been very loud, screaming to get our attention when he was younger. I have worked really hard on getting him to use words to tell me what he wants, so now at home, all I really deal with is occasional whining. Mom’s Day Out is a whole different situation though. He practically screams the whole time he is there (which is only 2 days a week for 5 hours at a time). He is never aggressive, he doesn’t hit or take things from other kids. But if anyone gets in his space, or takes something from him, he begins shrieking. I tried emulating the behavior at home by taking things from him randomly, and he just looks at me and calmly says “Can I have that please?” I just don’t know what to do for his teachers. I feel guilty and embarrassed. Any tips on advice to give them, or things that I can do from home to help?

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