Establishing Routines


Would you be able to give me a sample routine of what a day should look like for a family in my situation:

I have twin toddlers (2 years old) with a speech delay. I'm a SAHM who is learning how to drive, but not skilled enough to drive the twins around yet. Dad is usually tired after working (third shift job involving manual labor), so he tries to keep outings to a minimum (groceries and appointments). Which means we cannot just go to the park, library, play groups, etc. on a whim and don't have daily activities outside the house. Our house is an apartment with no back yard, and the front door opens immediately into a busy parking lot with no sidewalks. There is no public transportation for our county, except for seniors.

Given our limited access to outside activities or yard space, it would be helpful to have an idea of what to do with our day. A sample "routine" for morning, midday, and evening would be very useful to me. Thank you!

Thank you!

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