5 Year Old Using Anger to Manipulate


Hello, it’s been a bit since my last question. New ages, new problems. My son will be five in 1.5 months. We are having trouble with his anger. At least 5 times a day if he doesn’t get what he wants e.g. I let his sister push the tv button off, i put his popcorn in a cup and he wanted a bag, I tell him to wait one moment while I’m talking to someone else etc, he get angry. He furrows his brow, crosses his arms, and yells mean things like “I don’t love you anymore” “fine then I will go away forever and never hug you again.” Today at my parents he threw a Halloween card he made for them in the trash. I made a grumpy spot in his room I would tell him to go sit in until he was nicer. It kind of worked to turn it around sooner, but it didn’t improve his initial anger control. He was still quite disruptive and had to go upstairs many times a day. It seems like it’s escalating lately too. Any thoughts?

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