Teaching Values to Kids


Hello; I have been here a lot thru the years. Still struggle with many of the problems I asked about. Mostly cuz my husband is not on the same page till he is slow going. Our newest hurdle is... I adopted my now seven year old son. I tried with much difficulty because of the system, to maintain contact with his older brothers. The social worker asked, after more than a year of no contact, if I would be open to getting the two younger children together for a visit. His brother is being fostered by a gay couple. I am trying to follow Jesus and do not feel this is right. Nor do I condemn them for their choice. I just don't know how to approach the upcoming questions, when his brother tells my boy "I have two dads". How do you still instill a Christian world view? He is only seven. Please help. How, when and what do I tell him, or do I avoid the visit and wait till he encounters these issues in school hopefully at an older age?

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