Meaningful or Logical?


Having a hard time with my 3.5 year old boy and what would be a logical consequence - every morning and after nap time he struggles with getting out of bed reasonably. He usually wails and thrashes saying he wants to stay in bed but we need to drive his sisters to school in the morning and proceed with the day after nap. I don't argue with him just remind him what he needs to do prior to coming downstairs - use potty, get dressed, make his bed and open his windows - and then I leave the room. He eventually gets this done but usually has dawdled so much that he doesn't have time to eat his breakfast (on the days he is not finished I put him in the car as is and he finishes when he gets back before anything else). I don't do eating in the car so then he eats when we get back (the drop off carpool takes about an hour). I really don't want to wake him earlier because I feel that he will just absorb more time into his drama/theatrics. Is the delayed breakfast enough of a consequence or should there be more? This drama fest has gone on for months and it's begun to wear on me.

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