Diagnosing the Problem


My 6 year old son is currently undergoing a neuropsychological evaluation to help identify root causes of his recent struggles to keep up academically in 1st grade due to difficulty in paying attention during whole group lessons. He can learn in 1:1 or small group. He has executive functioning issues and social/emotional delays. We’ve been holding off on accepting all the diagnoses that the school and others would like to impose on him but in our case we are feeling like we need to put up the white flag and give in. He displays a lot of typical behaviors associated with different diagnoses and I’m sure the upcoming testing results will clearly identify which ones.

I read your book about ensuring success at school and would really like to implement the DRC with significant consequences/removing privileges but we are wondering if there are any neurological reasons why he can’t attend appropriately. Are there any cases that you would recommend against following the DRC? For example, if there’s slow processing speed identified, what do we do? Tailor the DRC to include those things he should be able to do and go to the next step. ie, if he can learn in 1:1 have the DRC include that he actively participate in small group?

We want to make sure there is no chance of him learning less because standards are lowered. Thanks!

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